


"For me the most interesting part was the culture evening with the performances. We got to know the cultural values and traditions of all country. I think the 'Humans of Europe ' exhibiton was also an interesting part because we saw so many different opinion about discrimination. We could try typical food in the buffet. But my favourite part was when the students performed some traditional dances."
(Bettina Horváth)

"The trip in Prague was amazing,I really enjoyed visiting the city's well-known sights. It was also a good experience in Prague at the invisible exhibition to feel how do blind people live.It was also interesting when we watched the lynx and the deers in the Sumava mountain. I also enjoyed working in international teams while we were working on the project."
(Kamilla Végh)

"I think this project meeting in Susice was an unforgettable experience for everyone. Although the weather was really cold, we had a great time together. For me the best was to meet so many different people from different nationalities. Everyone was a unique character. I made many new friends and also learned much about the differencies in our cultures. The trips to Prague and to the Sumava mountains were memorable too. These places worth to be visited. I really enjoyed the whole week."
(Vanda Végh)

"I think the cultural evening was the best part of the whole projekt. It was on the last day,on Friday evening. It was organised in a small club,called Prostor. During the evening every nation presented their cultural programme. Through these performances we could know other nations' traditions and their countries better. After the preformances there was a buffet, where we can taste the other participation countries' food and drinks. In my opinion it was a great ending of an amazing project."
(Luca Markovics)

"We spent one week in the Czech Republic in the framework of an Erasmus+ project. It was a terrific opportunity to see different places, meet new people and work together with them. The best experience is that we could meet lots of fantastic and interesting people from the other sides of Europe. I feel that I made lifelong relationships there. I appreciated that in Friday evening we could meet the culture of different countries personally from the other students. And of course, it was a really big pleasure to see such a fabulous place like the city of Prague or the Sumava mountains."
(Dávid Grünwald)

"Our journey to Susice was very great and informative. We have learned much about the aspects of prejudices. All the countries worked hard together during the week. The people were really friendly and hard-working so the atmosphere was really good. We have spent a lof of time together in our free time too. The programs were exciting and well-organized. For me, the most exciting was when we have worked in international groups and played volleyball, searched for checkpoints in Susice and worked on the posters. Overall I think that our project was very useful and absolutely successful."
(Milán Szlávich)

"The day when we went to the Sumava mountains was the most interesting for me. The landscape was really gorgeous and there was more than 1 meter snow so I was really happy because I love the snow very much. In the Sumava national park we saw lynx that I have never seen before. On this day we also visited a beautiful ancient church on the top of a hill after the church we visited a glass-blower factory. Before we visited the glass-blower factory I hadn’t thought that it is so interesting. As the glass-blower was doing his work we were just standing by and we were staring in amazement. In my opinion his profession is unbelievable, from a simply glass ball he can do a beautiful glass bird without any strain. I think it is an unforgettable experience."
(András Haszán)

"My most interesting experience was the time that I spent in Prague because I always wanted to go there. We have seen the Charles Bridge, Vltava river, Prague Castle, the Old Town Square and the Astronomical Clock, National Gallery, Lennon Wall, National Theatre and many other sights. When we had free time we go to Palladium with some czech students. On the way back to Šusice, we were listening to music and sing together the songs, there was an amazing ambiance."
(Petra Fülöp)

"I have never been so far from my family so I was frightened. But my host was friendly and kind I got on well with her. I ate lots of traditional Czech food, that her mother cooked and we drank original Czech beer. The other students were friendly I talked a lot with them. We have a group on the internet and every day we talk. I could use English a lot and I think it improved."
(Klaudia Lengyel)

"Our trip to the Czech Republic was very useful and funny. We could learn a lot about each others’ culture and habits and because we couldn’t use our own languages, our English has improved a lot too because of this. We could see how other people live in a foreign country so we could compare our own. We had a very great time there and I can say there were no limits of being tolerant between the students. Everybody got on well with the others. I think, the best part of it for me was when we were in Prague, when we were looking for the checkpoints in Susice and when in the individual free time we played bowling with the Czech students."
(Gréta Varga)

San Isidro - Tenerife

That week I spent in Tenerife was one of my most precious experiences ever. Even the way we went there was full of fun and joy, I loved every tiny moment of it.
First of all, San Isidro and the towns nearby we could visit was very nice. People were kind and due to we were homed in a local town, away from tourists and any expensive places, the atmosphere was warm and cosy. I simply loved it! Then, the seaside, the smell of the ocean and the hot days, that “fresa batidos” I bought infinitive times made the whole thing a lot sweeter.
I was excited about the project week not only because of it has taken place in Tenerife, but because of the theme of the project. Prejudice in general is a super interesting theme to talking about, and I must say it’s a lot important to be known as well. We, the new, more open-minded generation needs to know how these situations work, to be a lot more accepter.
I must mention the tasks the organisers have prepared for us. I’m thankful to the great exercises, my English improved a lot and I became a lot more confident English user. They forced me to work in a group all by myself with a few strangers and I needed to socialise. That was the point when I thought that I may really can survive in English, I’m not that bad that I thought, moreover I’m not even an unsociable person who can’t say a confident word out loud in front of a crowd.
Last but not least, thanks to this project, I could meet a lot of super nice friends. Our hosts were the cutest ever, I love them to the moon and back, I want to meet them again so bad, I can’t wait until September. They made us feel comfortable there, so far away from home, they always cared if we felt bad, but fortunately they were so funny and adorable that such a thing haven’t happened ever.
Thank you all who made that trip possible, I can’t be thankful enough for your endless patience, kindness, honest and care you showed us.
Let’s meet in 2019!"
(Bogi Döbörhegyi)

For me, the most beautiful thing I have seen in Tenerife was the ocean. It was really great that from the town, San Isidro, we had a spectacular view to the seaway. Tenerife is a volcanic island, that’s why the sand is black. When we first went on the beach I was very amazed. The waves were so strong that we couldn’t swim in the water, but the sunset was the most beautiful one I have ever seen. "
(Anna Ambrus)

It was a fantastic week with amazing experiences. We got to know different cultures, we tried traditional spanish food, and we made new friends. People were always very kind and helpful, the landscape of Tenerife was beautiful. My favourite experience was the Siam Park, which is the biggest aquapark in the world. The weather was wonderful, we had fun with our spanish hosts. At school we learned about the migration situation and minorities from each country. After school we always had freetime activities, we visited the main tourist areas for example Costa Adeje and Los Cristianos."
(Laura Láng)

Az Erasmus+ projektnek köszönhetően elnyertük a lehetőséget 5 sorstársammal, és 2 tanárral együtt, hogy az itthoni novemberi szürke időjárásból kimozduljunk egy teljes hétre Tenerife szigetére. Az utat repülővel tettük meg, ez különös jelentőséggel bírt nekem, mivel ez volt életem első repülőgépes útja. A kezdetbeli félelemérzetem azonnal eltűnt a felszállás után. Fogadó családjaink izgatottan vártak ránk a reptéren, a bemutatkozás után a délutánt mindenki a családjával töltötte. Második nap a világ legnagyobb aqua parkjának tartott Siam Parkba mentünk annak a reményében, hogy megismerkedhetünk a többi nemzet diákjaival és életre szóló barátságokat köthetünk. A bátrabbak lecsúsztak a legmeredekebb csúszdán, közben az adrenalin szint az egekig tört. A nap lezárásaként bele merészkedtünk az igen csak hevesen tomboló óceán tömkelegei közé. Hétfő kezdetével, megkezdődött az iskola a fogadóinknak és nekünk is, csak azzal a szerencsével, hogy nem a tanulás miatt indultunk az iskola felé. Délelőttjeink a projekt főmondatának a -„Fight for Tolerance” cím értelmezéséről szóltak . A különböző nemzetek bemutatták saját országaik, városaik társadalmi, vallásai, nézeteit. Emellett elmondhattuk saját véleményünket az aktuálisnak mondható migráns helyzetről. Egy a társadalom diszkriminálásáról szóló film, a ruandai polgárháborút megfilmesítő „Hotel Rwanda” a projekt egyik támpontja volt,hiszen véleményünket ki kellett fejteni a filmről, sőt a válaszokat úgy kellett megadni, mintha mi lettünk volna a szereplők helyében.
A csütörtök a Spanyolországban legmagasabbnak tudható Mt.Teide hegység környékét körbejáró túráról szólt. Sajnálatosan a hegy csúcsára nem jutottunk fel a szélsőséges időjárásnak köszönhetően. Péntek elkövetkeztével, eljött a búcsúzás ideje , a kulturális esten minden nemzet bemutathatta saját tradíciós szokásait, játékait. A sok nevetés, és boldog pillanat után , az érzelmes pillanatok jöttek, elérkezett a búcsúzás ideje az egy hét alatt megismert emberektől.
A búcsúzás okozta szomorú pillanatok után mindenki a saját nemzetével maradt. Voltak, akik nagy ünnepléssel zárták le az egy hetet, voltak akik csendesen a várost bolyongva. A szombatot mindenki a családdal töltötte, én az előzőleg is választható bálnanézésre mentem. A viharnak köszönhetőennem sok bálnát láttam a víz felszínén, de így is felejthetetlen élményt nyújtott az a sétahajózás. Az utolsó estét együtt töltöttem a magyarokkal és a fogadóikkal, az óceánparton. Vasárnap már tényleg a végső búcsúzás volt a fogadóinktól, családtagjaiktól, a legtöbben a végsőkig ottmaradtak velünk a reptéren, és még az utolsó pillanatokban is a könnyünkkel küszködve búcsúztunk tőlük. A végén már „csak” 12 órás hazaút várt ránk. Összességében nagyon sokat jelentett nekem ez a projekt, nagyon sok mindent megtanultam az ottani emberektől, nem számít, ha egy ember homoszexuális, mint ahogy a származása sem számít. Nagyon sokat segített nekem a tolerancia szintem növelésében ez a projekt, amit személyes véleményem szerint még a jövőben fel tudok használni.
Meg szeretném köszönni ezt a fantasztikus lehetőséget mind a kísérő tanárainknak, és az egész Erasmus+ projektnek!"
 (Juhász Kevin)


"I awaited the Portuguese meeting since the very beginning, when I received the confirmation email of my application for the FOTO project. I didn’t know, what I was waiting for – I only knew that this week would be one of the most memorable experiences of my life. My expectations turned into reality. During our project week, besides having fun with the other students, I dived deep into the topic of domestic abuse. Raising awareness for this matter is not taken seriously enough. What the world needs is such a generation, that is willing to speak up and act against domestic abuse. Us, students helped each other evolve during our time together. This week taught all of us not to be afraid of telling our feelings, ideas, doubts, fears because they make a difference. They always do."
(Hanna Andrasek)

"First of all I would like to say that I feel myself one of the luckiest person in the whole world, because I can participate in Erasmus+ project called FOTO, and thanks to this I could spend an unforgettable, amazing week in Portugal. I was delighted from that day on came to know I could go to Porto. That day was more than one year before our trip, but I have immediately started planning our journey or rather just dreaming about it. But when we arrived it was clear that my imaginary came short of reality. During our stay I totally fell in love with the spectacular landscape, I met fantastic people and I could feel like we were always friends. Moreover thanks to the well-organized programs we could be absorbed in serious issues, like domestic or dating abuse, and homosexuality and we could realize how important is accepting and helping each other in our rushing world. We discussed these topics and shared our personal opinion, and it was good to see despite we were all different we all agreed with tolerance is a significant pillar of the Earth. This week opened my eyes to the key of change to make our world a better place is in our hand, so we have to let our voice be heard and act. To sum up this project was one of my best experiences in my entire life, and it taught me that dive into adventures is really worth it. As the quote is said: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page” /Saint Augustine/"
 (Boglárka Takács)


FOTO Project 2018  -  Erasmus+  -  Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium Kőszeg, Hungary